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2019 North Shore Primary Schools Band Festival - Sept 6-8

This year's festival was attended by 64 bands! The biggest ever! All received on stage workshops from one of our very hard working adjudicators James Brice and Andrew Watkins. It was very exciting to hear 9 performances of 'Danzon' written for the A grade section. Congratulations to Cherrybrook PS, St Ives North PS, Balgowlah Heights PS, Waitara PS, Lindfield PS and Mona Vale PS for receiving a music award for excellent performances!

A big thank you for Gavin Staines for creating an event that promotes excellence in performance from beginner and developing Primary school bands. It's also promotes Australian band music by commissioning a level 2.5 piece piece for the 'A' Grade section. The other 4 sections are to play a nominated piece by the selected composer. To my knowledge no other event in the country promotes Australian band music like it.

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